Public Crime: Solving the mystery of the murder of journalist Giorgos Karaivaz
Karaivaz wrote about the arrogance of organized criminal groups with a direct influence on the police apparatus. Gang clearing or “clearing accounts” is very common in Greece. The murders are almost identical to the attack on Karaivaz. Greek police rarely investigate such cases, much less come to conclusions. In recent years, criminal groups from the countries of the former Yugoslavia have also moved to Greece.
The Greek media serves up new information every day. Photographs of masked killers on a black scooter who immediately fled the crime scene are everywhere. Police inspectors, detectives, eyewitnesses and other experts explain what may have happened, who may have committed the murder and how. “The cold-blooded murder of journalist Gorgos Karaivaz shocked the whole society. I met with the Minister of Civil Protection and asked for a quick solution to the case,” Greek Prime Minister Kiriakos Micotakis also said.
Even though the public has the impression that the police have dealt with the murder in depth, they are still operating only with allegations without tangible evidence, as the perpetrators have left no trace behind. It doesn’t promise anything good …
More: Javna kriminalka: Razreševanje skrivnosti umora novinarja Giorgosa Karaivaza ( and Javna kriminalka: Razreševanje skrivnosti umora novinarja Giorgosa Karaivaza (