Golden Dawn is a criminal organisation
Report from Athens
After five-year-long trial Athens Appeal Court found defendants guilty, but sentences were not yet handed
After five and a half years the judges yesterday ruled in the trial against the Greek neo-Nazis, Golden Dawn. The court found prominent members, along with leader Nikos Mihaloliakos, guilty of leading and organizing a criminal group. But Athens court has not yet finished its mission and penalties can still be changed to suspended sentences.
Greek judges yesterday ruled in four cases: the murder of Greek rapper Pavlos Fyssas, the attempted murders of members of the communist trade union Pame, the attempted murders of Egyptian fishermen and as the main charge, leading and organization a criminal group.
Historical trial
The Greek political public has been preparing for yesterday day for several weeks. A panel of three judges at the court of appeals in Athens ruled the fate of one of the most controversial and violent far-right political parties in Europe, Golden Dawn.
The court found guilty 63 of total 68 defendants for membership and direction of criminal organisation. They face between five and fifteen years in prison. Most of the accused were not in the courtroom, but during the process all charges had been denied.
"Pavlos is alive, let's destroy the fascists!" the crowd of tens of thousands of people was shouting after the verdict was announced. Different political parties, groups and movements gathered in the morning in front of the Athens Court of Appeal to await the decision.
Special security measures have been in place there since the early hours of the morning: over 2,000 police officers guarded the largest courtroom in Greece, and police helicopters and drones regularly flew over the area.
"15 of the 17 accused have been found guilty of participating in the murder of Pavlos Fysas," court president Maria Lepenioti read in the courtroom. Among them was the killer Giorgos Rupakias, who stabbed to death a Greek musician on a crucial September evening 2013.
The court also found all five defendants guilty in the attempted murder of Egyptian fishermen, in June 2012. In this case, all five were also charged with membership in a criminal organization, which is likely to double the sentences.
Immediately after the court handed its decision, the floor was given to the defence, which was trying to convince the judges until almost midnight of the mitigating circumstances for its protégés. If the court accepts the defence's suggestions, the sentences that have not yet been handed could be changed to probation, and the accused would remain free.
Violent incidents followed
Several political figures from all prominent political parties also appeared before the court. Former left-wing Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras mingled with the audience, which in turn sparked the disapproval of the assembled crowd. Plastic bottles of water and coffee began to fly into Tsipras. Violent riots continued between members of Syriza and the smaller political party Andarsya.
Meanwhile, dozens of protesters in black, began destroying police buses that prevented those gathered from accessing the courtroom. Greek police used rubber bands, a water cannon and tear gas, and with use of violence chased the crowd.
Greek politicians have otherwise welcomed the court's decision.
"Democracy has won today," Prime Minister Kiriakos Micotakis commented on the verdict.
Undoubtedly, yesterday was a historical decision in process against Golden Dawn. Nevertheless until the arrests and the actual execution of prison sentences follow, the epilogue is still unknown and the accused members of a neo-Nazi criminal group walking free.
Article was originally published in Slovenian: